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All posts by adminBRE2GB

Monterey Car Week Aug 15-20
The next major event Peter will be attending is Monterey Car Week. Since most people want to know where he is going to be, go here for a list of events Peter will be making appearance at.

New Model Release July 3
New BRE Datsun model coming July 3rd. Newsletter subscribers will be notified first. If you are not on our subscriber list and would like to join, click here.
UPDATE: This model was gone within 24hrs! If you would like to stay up to date on when they come out, please join our newseltter

Peter Brock: Featured Guest at Sovren
Sovren puts on its premier historic Image result for sovren racing logoevent in 2017 with the Pacific Northwest Historics, saluting the 50th anniversary of the first Trans-Am race at Pacific Raceway just south of Seattle. Peter Brock is the Featured Guest and there will be a great display of many of the cars he’s been involved with, including an Aerovault trailer if you haven’t had the chance to see one up close and personal.
There will be three days of racing with over 200 cars expected. Special features, a great vendor’s row, Saturday’s Salmon barbeque and many other events make the PNW Historics special. Get more details or register here. Note: Early bird registration ends June 16th, so if you’d like to enter do it soon!

Couture Las Vegas, Daytona Coupe Watch
Peter Brock will be at the Couture show in Vegas the first weekend of June where Baume & Mercier will show the Peter Brock-designed Daytona Coupe watch for the first time in the US. Released May 18 is a Q&A with Brock on his work with B&M and when he became interested in watches. Enjoy the read!